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Ahi Bigeye Tuna

Get Fresh, Cut Ahi Delivered to your door on Maui!

You read that right. Fresh, cut fish on maui delivered to your door, Hana is excluded because of drive time. We have a vendor that sells fish and give us notifications via text message.  Fishermen go out and catch fish, then anyone who signed up at gets a text message in form of a catch report. You can easily go to the website and purchase any of the fish for sale at any time from their order page. It's really quite amazing.

Ahi Tuna - A Gift From Hawiian Waters

Thunnus obesus Tunas, Ahi, or Bigeye Tuna has a lot of health benefits. Eating healthy can help our heart and body. Bigeye Tuna can lower our risk of cardiovascular disorders, lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Tuna can also increase your immune system, skin, and blood health. Ahi can also reduce inflammation which is the source of most cancers.

Nutritional Facts and Values of Bigeye Tuna

Tuna is loaded with vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, protein, omega-3 fatty acids, and much more. These nutrient and micro nutrient give our body the fuel it needs to grow and reduce its risk of inflammation. The Better we eat the better we feel.

Nutrition Facts

Fish, tuna, fresh, bluefin, cooked, dry heat
Serving Size : 100 g
Total lipid (fat)[g]6.28
Carbohydrate, by difference[g]0
Fiber, total dietary[g]0
Calcium, Ca[mg]10
Iron, Fe[mg]1.31
Magnesium, Mg[mg]64
Phosphorus, P[mg]326
Potassium, K[mg]323
Sodium, Na[mg]50
Zinc, Zn[mg]0.77
Vitamin C, total ascorbic acid[mg]0
Vitamin B-6[mg]0.53
Folate, DFE[g]2
Vitamin B-12[g]10.88
Vitamin A, RAE[g]757
Vitamin A, IU[IU]2520
Fatty acids, total saturated[g]1.61
Fatty acids, total monounsaturated[g]2.05
Fatty acids, total polyunsaturated[g]1.84
Sources include :USDA[3]

Tuna lowers the risk of hearth disease

Ahi Tuna is wonderful for our heart and blood health. Tuna has high levels of omega-3 fatty acids which help to lower our LDL (bad cholesterol) in our arteries and blood vessels. Bigeye Tuna makes a perfect replacement for a primary protein in any meal.


Being so full of omega-3 fatty acids also has the affect of reducing our inflamation. Combine that with a high level of Potassium and we have a superfood for creating good vascular flow throught the body. Good flow in the body's vascular system allows us to flush toxins more effectively. A clean and healthy vascular systems provides our heart an efficient means of transporting vital blood to our extremities and back to our heart.

Let the Tuna be thy medicine

It's true that food is our first line of defense against disease in our body. The nutrient in Ahi give us so many benefits that I'll simply list a few of the wonders of this superfood.

  • Weight loss
  • Inflammation
  • Blood pressure
  • Eye care health
  • Energy levels
  • Blood circulation
  • Anti-cancer properties
  • Kidney diseases
  • Mood and depression

Closing Notes of Caution

All large fish can contain mercury in their system. Mercury gets absorbed by the fishes skin and therefore accumulates in the body. With that being said, the older the fish, the longer its been accumulating mercury. To be safe we should always follow a simple rule. Everything in moderation keeps us balanced and healthy.

Where can i buy Ahi Bigeye Tuna?  Find out which local farmer has Ahi Bigeye Tuna

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