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Have you ever heard about that lychee-like fruit thats less aromatic than the latter?

There is no denying that longan is a well-known fruit anywhere.

Longan, also known as Dimocarpus longan, is a tropical tree species with edible fruit. It belongs to the soapberry family Sapindaceae. Most longans grow in clusters on trees.

It is also the same family where fruits like lychee and rambutan belong. As you see, the longan fruit is similar to that of the lychee but tastes less aromatic.

For years, there has been an ongoing debate about which fruit tastes better: lychee or longan.

The answer is more of a personal choice, and if you think about it, it is more important to know more about its benefits and uses.

Medicinal Value

Longan is very popular in Asia. It is native to countries like India or China and can be available in fresh or canned and dried forms.

Its medicinal value traces back to the old days, wherein it is used in traditional Chinese medicine.

Chinese used the longan fruit and the seed for general healing health.

However, not many scientific pieces of evidence support the medicinal claims of the longan fruit.

Health Benefits

Despite the lack of evidence to support claims of longans medicinal value, this fruit is proven valuable in maintaining good health.

Source of Nutrients

Fresh longan fruit is high in vitamin C, and for every 20 pieces of fresh longan, you can get approximately:

  • Calories: 38
  • Protein: 1 gram
  • Fat: 0 grams
  • Carbohydrates: 10 grams
  • Fiber: 0 grams
  • Sugar: 0 grams

Perfect for Controlling Blood Pressure

Longan contains the right amount of potassium.

Potassium helps control blood pressure. Most of the time, it is an under-consumed nutrient by most people, especially Americans.

Instead, they consume more sodium than potassium, which creates an imbalance that perhaps causes high blood pressure.

Tissue Health

Due to Longans high vitamin C content, it is very vital for tissue health. This means it aids in easy healing for your cuts and wounds.

It also helps the body create collagen, a tough substance essential for muscles, cartilage, skin, bones, and almost every other body part.

Good for the Heart

Some studies link longan as a good source of antioxidants that can lessen the stiffening of the arteries. This gives you more resistance to cardiovascular diseases.

May help you lose weight

There are no scientific studies linking longan fruit and obesity.

However, it can be an excellent substitution for sugar-laden processed foods that may lead to weight gain.

Good source of fiber

Longan has fiber, which can help in normalizing bowel movements.

Overall, it can improve bowel health and improve gut flora.

High in Antioxidants

Longan is rich in antioxidants. It helps you fight free radicals in your body.

Studies also found that longan can help in cell recovery in damaged liver cells of mice. It is more effective than milk thistle.

Uses of Longan

Longan is available fresh, canned, or dried.

It is best to eat this fresh and uncooked.

If not possible, you can use canned and dried longan to add complex flavors to individual dishes.

Here are some other ways to use longan:

  • Include it in your salad or other dishes.
  • Freeze it and eat.
  • Mix with other diced fruit and nuts.
  • Dice dried longan and cook it with oatmeal.
  • Make a traditional Asian tea.
  • Make a jam or jelly.


Ensure you do not eat much longan because it is high in carbs. It can spike your blood sugar anytime.

Hence, it is not highly recommended for people with diabetes.

Where can i buy Longan?  Find out which local farmer has Longan

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