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Mamaki Leaf

Mamaki is a native Hawaiian plant. With no distinct flowering season. When Mamaki does flower, they are small, light green, and white. They emerge in clusters directly on the stems of leaves. The small fruit resembles a white raspberry with a light subtle sweetness.

Mamaki is traditionally used as a universal tonic, aspirin, and red clothing dye. People who brew and drink the mamaki leaves as a tea regularly describe it as uplifting and strengthening.

Mamaki and Health

Mamaki has an established reputation throughout Hawaiian history. Some of the primary uses of mamaki leaves for health are cleansing, detox, and relieving fatigue. Both fresh and dried leaves can be used to make mamaki tea for soothing indigestion and alleviating disorders of the liver, bladder, colon, and bowels. The herbal tea may also have therapeutic benefits for depression. Furthermore, mamaki tea prevents cancer and reduces blood pressure.

Mamaki fruit is used as a laxative for children and treatment for thrush. The berries were also used to treat wounds and sores while the seeds were used as a tonic for infants and adults. Fruits and seeds are also good for pregnant women for morning sickness and in the final months of pregnancy to aid in safe childbirth.

Where can i buy Mamaki Leaf?  Find out which local farmer has Mamaki Leaf

Local food near you

Here are the locals near you selling fresh Mamaki Leaf:

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